How to File CMP-08 in Munim GST Software?

To file CMP-08 successfully please follow the steps given below.

Select CMP-08 Option:
In Munim GST software, After creating the company, Go to My company and please click on the Return button available.
Select CMP-08 from the list of options.

Prepare Data:
In the CMP-08 Data Preparation field, Prepare your data by adding data in particular fields.

Save Your Data and Generate Challan:
Click on the Save button. and then click Generate challan button to continue.

Select Payment Mode:
After clicking the Generate Challan option, Select your preferred Payment method. Then click Create and Pay.

Push Data to GST Portal:
Once you click the Create and Pay option, You will be redirected to GST portal. After Login, follow the process on the portal to continue.

File CMP-08:
After payment is done, Your Challan will be generated successfully in Munim GST and you can click File with EVC button to complete the process.

By following these steps, you can easily file your GSTR-1 using Munim GST software. For further assistance, please contact our support team.