After login user will be redirected to the desktop page
Here, There are two types of initial actions are available: Import your customer and Create your customer
- Import your customer:
- If you have a customer list in bulk then you can import your customer by clicking on Import Your Customer button.
- Import company pop-up will open and you need to click on the Download Sample file button to add your customer company data.
- Now, select the sample file to edit and insert the data accordingly into it.
- Once you prepare data in the sample file, click on the Upload button.
- After uploading, go to the My Company page to view the progress bar displayed for the import process.
- Once the data is successfully imported, all your customer companies are displayed on the My Company page.
- Create your customer:
- If you have limited customers and want to add it manually, then click on Create your Customer button.
- Now, a pop-up will be shown where you can enter your customer GSTIN Number.
- Once you enter the GSTIN number, it will automatically fetch and display the name of your customer company.
- The Create button generates and displays your customer company name successfully.
- Both actions are available on the My Company page making it easier to process.