Journal voucher

This module is used for creating Journal vouchers.

Steps to Create a Journal Voucher:

  • Go to the Journal and then the Journal Voucher module in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Create journal voucher button or press the Alt+N key.

Create journal voucher
Create journal voucher

JV DateHere select the date to create a journal voucher.
JV No.Journal no. is a combination of prefix and journal sr.
Reference No.Here you can add a reference number.
AccountHere select the account.
DescriptionHere write a description for the account.
Debit Here write a debit amount.
CreditHere write a credit amount.
Add rowThis button is used to add a new row for adding a new account.
Save & nextThis button is used to save the journal voucher and page redirect on the same page.
SaveThis button is used to save the journal voucher and page redirects to the voucher listing page.

Shortcut Description
Alt+SSave- This shortcut is used to save the journal voucher.
Alt+PSave & Print- This shortcut is used to print journal vouchers.
Alt+DDiscard- This shortcut is used to discard the journal voucher.
Alt+NSave & Next- This shortcut is used to save the journal voucher and page redirect on the same page.
Alt+ANew- This shortcut is used to add a new row.
Alt+RRemove- This shortcut is used to remove a row.
Alt+CCancel- This shortcut is used to cancel the journal voucher entry. ( work as for Back button)