Secured Loans

Here you are able to manage your secure loans account.

Create Secured Loan account:

  • Go to the Account module in the left sidebar
  • Click on Create account button or press the Alt+N key
  • Select Secured Loans ledger on Under group ledger drop down list

Field information for Secured Loans ledger:

Under groupHere select the Secured Loans ledger 
Ledger nameHere write your ledger name. Mandatory field
Short/Alias NameHere write your ledger short name 
EmailHere write your ledger Email address 
Mobile no.Here write your ledger mobile no. 
Include in assessable value calculation forHere select Include in assessable value calculation for Not applicable or GST   
Appropriate ToHere select your ledger appropriate to the option 
Method of calculationHere is the select method of selection 
DescriptionHere write your ledger description 
HSN/SACHere write HSN/SAC code 
GST rate(%)Here select the GST rate 
Deductee TypeHere select TDS rules.
Deduct TDS in same voucher?Here select Yes or No options.
Account holder’s nameHere write your bank account holder’s name. 
A/C no.Here write your bank account number. 
IFSC codeHere write your bank IFSC code. 
Bank nameHere select your Bank. 
Opening BalanceHere put your ledger opening balance 
Is Active?Here if you select “Yes” then this account is shown in all modules and if you select “No” then this account is not shown in all modules.