Printing Templates

We are happy to introduce our new module “Printing Templates” for invoice print setting. In this module have multiple print layouts and multiple print setting options are available. This setting is useful for increasing your invoice print design and it enhance user view experience.

How to open Printing Templates Setting:

  1. Go to Setting module
  2. Click on Printing Templates Module

Sales Invoice Term & ConditionThis setting is helpful for adding terms and condition of your company or organizations.
Show PO DetailsThis setting is helpful for showing purchase order number and date in invoice print.
Show Received AmountThis setting is helpful for showing received amount for this invoice.
Show Shipping AddressThis setting is helpful for showing shipping address for goods of customer. sometimes the customer billing address and shipping address is different.
Show Bank DetailThis setting is helpful for showing bank details of the company.
Show OutstandingThis setting is helpful for showing customer total outstanding amount.
Duplicate Copy and it’s CaptionThis setting is helpful for printing duplicate or triplicate copy and adding of print caption.
Show LogoThis setting is helpful for adding company logo on the invoice print. If you add company logo on the company setting page then logo is shown here.
Show WatermarkThis setting helps add a watermark on the invoice print. here two types of watermark is available, the first is text and the second is image.
Show SignatureThis setting is helpful for adding authorized signature on the invoice print. If you add the signature on company setting page then the signature is shown here.
Show Amount in WordThis setting is helpful for showing invoice total amount in word format.
Show E-invoice DetailsThis setting is helpful for showing e-invoice details.

Setting for Header labels: This setting is helpful for print customizing the text that appears in the header section. the user adding text here is shown on invoice header section. Header section covers the field like company address, company GST, company email, company mobile, invoice number, invoice date, due date, bill to, ship to, customer state, country, and tax invoice.

Setting for Detail labels: This setting is helpful for customizing the text appears in the item details section. details labels are the center part of the invoice print. It covers the fields like, product/service, Batch/Lot No, Mfg.Date, Exp.Date, MRP, HSN/SAC, QTY, Free Qty, Rate, Discount, Taxable Amount, Tax and Total. On this page, toggle button is available. If the user switches on the toggle button then this field is showing on invoice print, and if the user switches off the toggle button then this field is not showing on invoice print.

Setting for Footer Labels: This setting is helpful for print customizing the text that appears in the footer section. the user adding text here is shown on invoice footer section. Footer section covers the field like IGST, CGST, SGST, CESS, HSN/SAC, Taxable Amount, Total Tax Amount and Authorized Signatory.

On the sales invoice listing page, the user is able to open the “Printing Templates” module. just click on the printing setting icon and then the page will redirect to the printing templates module.