
This master is helpful for creating the Mfg. Company. Once successfully creating mfg. company you can use it in the item master. If you add mfg. company in item master then you are able to find item stock mfg. company-wise.
If you are required to Mfg. Company master then first activates the Mfg. Company from General setting module. Click this link for more details.

Create Mfg.Company:

Go to the Mfg. company module in the left sidebar.
Click on the Create Mfg. Company button or press the Alt+N key

Mfg.Company NameHere write the company name.
CodeHere write the company code.
Short NameHere write the company’s short name.
Is ActiveHere if you select “Yes” then this company is showing in all modules and if you select “No” then this company is not showing in all modules.
SaveThis button is used to save the Mfg.Company master.
CancelThis button is used to cancel the Mfg. Company master entry and page redirect on the listing page.
Field information
Row per pageThis drop-down list is used to view entries per page
Search The search function is used to find any
ActionsHere multiple types of actions are available like Edit and Delete.
EditThis action is used to edit the details.
DeleteThis action is used to delete the