How to generate an e-way/e-Invoice portal API username and password

Here we are providing the steps to generate your e-way/e-Invoice portal API username and password. You can easily get an API username and password by following these steps.

To generate your e-way/e-invoice portal API username and password, you need to perform the following steps:

Step 1. : Visit the appropriate website based on your requirement.
Access the for E-Invoice or for E-way.

Step 2. : Log in option
Click on the “Login” option available on the top right corner of the website to open Log in Pop-up.

Step 3. : Fill your GST Log in details
Enter your “User name“.
Enter your “Password“.
Enter the CAPTCHA correctly.
Click on the “Login” button.

Step 4. : Go to the Create API User option
After clicking the Login button you are redirected to Dash Board page.
On the dashboard, First click on “API Registration“.
Second click on the “ User Credentials“.
Third click on the “Create API User” button.

Step 5. : OTP verification process
After clicking the “Create API User” button you will be redirected to the OTP verification form.
Enter OTP in the box.
After entering OTP click on the “Verify OTP” button.

Step 6. : Select API interface type
Select the “Through GSP” option here.

Step 7. : Select from available GSP option from the list
Select “Tera Software Limited” as your GSP.

Step 8. : Add credentials to create an API user
Here write your API_Username and Password.
Click on the “Submit” button.