Item costing analyze report

An Item Stock Ledger Report is a detailed record that keeps track of stock movements for a company.

Inward or outward transactions like Purchasing, Selling, Credit Notes, Debit Notes, Stock Adjustments, and Stock Transfers are recorded in the Stock Ledger which then is reflected in the Item Stock Ledger Report.

It reflects the quantity and value of stock issued, received, or transferred along with the stock item and its warehouse details.

How to open Item Stock Ledger Report:

  • Go to the Report module in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Item stock ledger report button.

FilterThis option will give you ability to filter report with many conditions.
Column searchThis option will open search boxes in all column.
Show/Hide ColumnsThis option will give you the ability to show or Hide Columns available.
ExportThis option is used to download report in Excel sheet or Pdf and Email an excel sheet or Pdf of the low stock summary.
Grand TotalYou will get Grand total of specific columns at the end.