Purchase order

This module is used to create purchase orders.

Here you are able to add new customers and new items.

Create purchase order:

  • Go to the Purchase Order module in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Create purchase order button or press the Alt+N key.

Create purchase order
Create purchase order

VendorHere you can select a vendor for creating a purchase order. You can also add a new vendor.
GST INAs you select the vendor, the GST number will automatically come here from the ledger.
Mobile no.If you have written the mobile no in the vendor ledger, then by selecting the vendor, the mobile no will automatically come here, or you need to write the mobile no.
EmailIf you have written an email in the vendor ledger then as you select vendor, the email will automatically come here. otherwise, you need to write the Email.
Billing addressIf you have written the address in the vendor ledger then as you select vendor, the Billing address will automatically come here. otherwise, you need to write the billing address.
Shipping addressHere you can write the shipping address. If the shipping address is the same as the billing address then click on the “same as billing address” checkbox.
PO No.The purchase order(PO) number is auto-generated.
PO dateThe PO date is auto-generated, and you can change the PO date.
Product/ServiceHere you can select an item and can add an item.
QuantityHere you can write the item quantity.
Rate (₹)Here you can write the item rate.
Discount (%/₹)Here you can write discounts and apply discounts in two types, first percentage-wise and second amount-wise.
GST Rate (%)Here you can select the GST rate.
AMOUNT (₹)As you write item name, item quantity, item rate, and discount then the amount will show here.
Special notesHere you can write a special note for this purchase order.
Auto round off checkboxThis checkbox is used to set the round-off amount of the total amount.
Save & nextThis button is used to save the Purchase order and page redirect on the same page.
SaveThis button is used to save the purchase order and page redirect on the purchase order listing page.
Field information

Shortcut Description
Alt+SSave- This shortcut is used to save the purchase order.
Alt+NSave&next- This shortcut is used to save the purchase order and page redirect on the same page.
Alt+DDiscard- This shortcut is used to discard the purchase order.
Alt+ANew- This shortcut is used to add a new row.
Alt+RRemove- This shortcut is used to remove a row.
Alt+CCancel- This shortcut is used to cancel the purchase order entry. ( work as for Back button)
Shortcut information

ExportThis drop-down list is used to download an excel sheet of the purchase order.
Print SettingHere you can change print setting of the Purchase Order
Create Purchase OrderHere you can create new Purchase Order
Show/Hide columnsThis button is used to show the hidden column. here two-column is available, PO no. & Status
ActionsHere multiple types of actions are available like Edit, View, Print, and Cancel
EditThis action is used to edit purchase orders.
Create BillOnce PO is Approved, You can create a Purchase Bill of it by clicking this.
ViewThis action is used to view purchase orders.
PrintThis action is used to print the purchase order.
Copy POThis action is used to create a new PO with same details.
OpenThis status will identify the entry as Open, As this Ourchase Order is yet to be approved and Purchase Bill of this entry has not been created.
CancelledThis status will identify the entry as Cancelled, As this Purchase Order has been cancelled by user.
ApprovedThis status will identify the entry as partially done, As this Purchase Order has been Approved and now user can create a Purchase Bill from it.
RejectedThis status will identify the entry as Rejected, As this Purchase Order has been rejected.