Released in January-2024

The last given rate to the customer is shown in the sales invoice

We are happy to introduce our new feature “ The last given rate to the customer is shown in the sales invoice”. Now the user can check the item sales rate from the last five invoices or party-wise sales rate or item purchase rate. To learn more about this feature click this link.

Stock Register Report

Our software has been substantially enhanced by adding a new report “Stock Register report”. The user can check item history from day to day. For this report multiple filters are available and also able to filter for easy-to-understand item inventory. For additional details about the feature, go to this link.

Daybook Report

The addition of the “Daybook Report” which is a necessity of any accounting software. Now the user can check day-to-day transaction data through the daybook report. To learn more about this feature click this link.

Item Rate Card report

The “Item Rate Card Report” is a very important upgrade for those users whose routine work gets easier. The user can check item sales rate, purchase rate, GST, item unit, item group, and item category through this report. To learn more about this feature, go to this link.