
This module is used for creating a transporter master.

Create transporter:

  • Go to the Transporter module in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Create transporter button or press Alt+N key.
Transporter listing page without demo entry
Transporter listing page without demo entry

Create transporter
Create transporter

Transporter idHere write the transporter GST no.
Transporter nameHere write the transporter’s name.
Vehicle noHere write the vehicle no.
ModeHere select the transport mode.
Vehicle typeHere select the vehicle type.
SaveThis button is used to save the transporter master.
CancelThis button is used to cancel the transporter entry.

Transporter listing page with demo entry
Transporter listing page with demo entry

Row per pageThis drop-down list is used to view transporter entries per page
Search The search function is used to find any transporter entries.
ActionsHere multiple types of actions are available like Edit, View, Delete
EditThis action is used to edit the transporter details.
ViewThis action is used to view the transporter details.
DeleteThis action is used to delete the transporter details.