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Delivery Challan

3 min read

This module is used for creating a delivery challan.
Here you are able to add new customers and new items.

Create delivery challan:

  • Go to the Challan module in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Create delivery challan button or press Alt+N key.

CustomerHere select customer for creating sales invoices. here also you are able to add new customers. Mandatory field
Mobile no.Here write your customer’s mobile number.
EmailHere write your customer’s email. 
Billing addressIf you have written the address in the customer account then as you select customer, the Billing address will automatically come here.Mandatory field
Shipping addressIf you have written the address in the customer account, then the shipping address will automatically come here as you select the customer.
Challan No.Challan No is auto-generated.
Challan DateThe challan date is auto-generated, also you are able to change the challan date.Mandatory field
PO NumberHere you can add Purchase Order Number if available.
PO DateHere you can add Purchase Order Date if available.
Quotation NoIf the user creates the delivery challan using quotation then show quotation No.
Product/ServiceHere select an item, here also you are able to create the item.Mandatory field
Batch/Lot No.If you have created an Item with a Batch number then it will appear here after selection.
Exp. DateIf you have added a product with Expiry date then it will show here.
MRPHere show MRP of the item selected.
QuantityHere write the item quantity.Mandatory field
Add RowClick here to add more Items in delivery challan
Add Quotation ItemIf the selected customer has a quotation created then you can add it here.
Special notesHere write a special note for this delivery challan.
Save & NextThis button is used to save the delivery challan and page redirect on the same page.
SaveThis button is used to save the delivery challan and page redirect on the delivery challan listing page.
Field information

Alt+SSave- This shortcut is used to save the delivery challan.
Alt+NSave & Next- This shortcut is used to save the delivery challan and page redirect on the same page.
Alt+PSave & Print- This shortcut is used to print delivery challan.
Alt+DDiscard- This shortcut is used to discard the delivery challan.
Alt+ANew- This shortcut is used to add a new row.
Alt+RRemove- This shortcut is used to remove a row.
Alt+CCancel- This shortcut is used to cancel the delivery challan. ( work as Back button)
Shortcut information

ExportThis button is used to download an Excel sheet of the delivery challan entries.
Print SettingThis button will redirect you to Delivery challan Print settings.
More ReportClick here to see more preadded filters.
Create Delivery ChallanClick this button to create a new Delivery challan.
Show/Hide columnsThis button is used to show the hidden column.
More FilterThis option provides you advance filter option on this list page.
ActionsHere multiple types of actions are available, Create an invoice, Edit, View, Print, Delete
Create invoiceThis action is used to create an invoice for the delivery challan
EditThis action is used to edit delivery challan
ViewThis action is used to view delivery challan
PrintThis action is used to print the delivery challan
DeleteThis action is used to delete delivery challan