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Company Setting

1 min read

Company settings allow you to configure essential details like your business name, address, and statutory information. These settings ensure that your company information is correctly displayed on invoices and other documents.

To access Company settings, go to Settings > Company.

Here you are able to edit the company details like party type, address, and contact details.

Registration typeHere, if the registration type is Regular and Composition then the registration type is not editable.
GSTINHere you can add the GST number and the GST no field is editable.
Party typeHere select the party type.
GST applicable fromHere GST applicable from date is not editable. As you write GST no, the applicable date will automatically come here.
Company nameHere edit the company name but if your company registration type is regular and composition then the company name is not editable.
Alias NameHere you can add the short name of the Company.
PAN/IT no.Here you can update your company PAN no.
Legal nameHere you can update your company’s legal name but if your company registration type is regular or composition then the company legal name is not editable.
Type of organizationHere you can update your company organization type but if your company registration type is regular and composition then the type of organization is not editable.
Company logoHere you can update your company logo.
IndustryHere you can update the company industry type.
Address 1Here you can update your company address.
Address 2Here you can update your company address.
CountryThe country is not editable.
PincodeHere you can update your company address Pincode but if your company registration type is regular and composition then the Pincode is not editable.
StateHere you can edit your company state but if your company registration type is regular or composition then the state is not editable.
CityHere you can edit your city.
Phone no.Here you can edit the company phone no.
Mobile no.Here you can edit the company mobile no.
Fax no.Here you can edit the company fax no.
EmailHere you can edit the company email address.
WebsiteHere you can edit the company website.
Company establish fromHere you can edit the company’s established date. To show your company creation date.
SignatureHere you can upload company signature in image format.
Custom fieldHere you can set a custom field with Label and Value to show it on Invoice print. Enable “Show in Print” option to show Custom Label in print.
SaveThis button is used to save the company details.
CancelThis button is used to cancel the company details editing.

Shortcut Description
Alt+SSave- This shortcut is used to save the company details.
Alt+CCancel- This shortcut is used to cancel the company details. ( work as for Back button)