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How to generate an e-Way Bill portal API username and password

< 1 min read

Here we are providing the steps to generate your e-way portal API username and password. You need API access of E-way Bill portal to create an Eway Bill from Munim software. You can easily get an API username and password by following these steps.

To generate your e-way portal API username and password, you need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Log in to the E-way Bill portal

Step 2: Registration option in Menu

  • After Logging into the e-WayBill portal click on the Registration button on the left side of the screen.

Step 3: Select the GSP option

  • Select for GSP option from the list to continue.

Step 4: OTP Verification

  • Validate OTP by clicking the Send OTP button and verify.

Step 5: Select GSP

  • After Validating the OTP please select the GSP from the dropdown as “Tera Software Limited” and proceed.

Step 6: Create Username and Password

  • Create a Username and password and save your credentials to use them in Munim.