View Categories

Release in February-2023

8 min read


This functionality is used to view transaction status on view mode and edit mode. Here you can view all transaction statuses in sales invoices, quotations, purchase orders, purchase bills, expenses, and GST journals. In munim, you can check the transaction status on the transaction listing page, transaction view mode, and transaction edit mode.


Here users are able to add narration for payment vouchers. Users can also view narration(remark) in the receipt/payment voucher print.


This report is useful for viewing sales return/purchase return details wise and summary-wise. The sales return report is helpful for understanding which product is returned many times and which customer returned more times. The purchase returns report is helpful to understand which products are returned many times and which vendors have returned more times.

How to open sales return/purchase return report:

  1. Click on the report module.
  2. Check the general report on the report module
Row per pageThis drop-down list is used to view sales return entries per page
DateThe date picker is used to filter sales return date-wise records.
ExportThis drop-down list is used to download an excel sheet, pdf, and email excel sheet and pdf of the sales return.
Search The search function is used to find any sales return entries.
Show/Hide columnsThis button is used to show the hidden column.
Field information
Row per pageThis drop-down list is used to view sales return entries per page
DateThe date picker is used to filter sales return date-wise records.
ExportThis drop-down list is used to download an excel sheet, pdf, and email pdf, excel sheet of the sales retuns.
Search The search function is used to find any sales return entries.
Field information
Row per pageThis drop-down list is used to view purchase return entries per page
DateThe date picker is used to filter purchase return date-wise records.
ExportThis drop-down list is used to download an excel sheet, pdf, and pdf, email an excel sheet of the purchase return.
Search The search function is used to find any purchase return entries.
Show/Hide columnsThis button is used to show the hidden column.
Field information
Row per pageThis drop-down list is used to view purchase return entries per page
DateThe date picker is used to filter purchase return date-wise records.
ExportThis drop-down list is used to download an excel sheet, pdf, and pdf, email an excel sheet of the purchase return.
Search The search function is used to find any purchase return entries.
Show/Hide columnsThis button is used to show the hidden column.
Field information


This functionality is helpful for performing all actions on all the entries in view mode like edit, delete, print, etc. View mode functionality is available for Master, Sales, Purchase, Expense, and Journal modules.

Sales invoice in view mode: Here you can check invoice status and perform all actions like Create Receipt, Creating Sales Return, Edit, Print, Cancel, Copy Invoice, Invoice History, and File Attachment.

Purchase bill in view mode: Here you can check the purchase bill status and perform all actions like Create Payment, Create Purchase Returns, Edit, Delete, Bill History, and File Attachment.


Now in the Munim, you are able to log in using your registered mobile number or email id. This feature is provide flexibility to user for login with any identity.

  1. Enter your mobile number or email id in the Username field.
  2. Enter your password in the Password field.
  3. Click on the login button.


Now in Munim, you are able to log in using OTP. This functionality works only when your mobile number is registered. Mainly, we have come up with this feature to secure your account. Through this login process, no third person except you can log in to your account.

1. Go to Log in page
2. Click on the Log In with OTP link, as shown in the screenshot below


3. Enter your registered mobile number in Mobile No. field
4. Click on the Get OTP button


5. Enter OTP in Enter OTP field, after successfully entering the right OTP you can redirect to the dashboard page.



Munim has released a new feature of sharing invoice on Whatsapp. This feature is developed to consume the time of the user so that they can focus on other important tasks. With this feature, you can now directly share invoice with the person through Whatsapp with a single click.

How to send Invoice using Whatsapp:

1. Create sales invoice with Mobile number

2. After successfully saving the invoice go to the Invoice listing page and Click on the Action drop-down button

3. Click on the Whatsapp link

4. Open your WhatsApp web. Suppose your are not logged in it will ask you to scan QR code for login. so you follow steps which is mentioned in snap for login.

5. Once you complete step 4, it will allow sending invoice links via the WhatsApp message window


Branding is a kind of reputation you maintain and present it in your own way. In Munim, we are branding our site in all the reports generated. So if a user generates a report, our domain URL will be shown at the bottom of the page. If you want to remove the branding from the reports, then you have to do an additional one-time payment of 299 INR (excluding GST) for this To do this follow the below steps:

1. Login to your account.
2. Click on the setting button which is shown at the bottom left side of the dashboard. Now you can see the setting module as shown below

3. Click on the Billing & Plans option. On clicking this option, you will see the Billing & Plans page shown below

4. Click on the Take Action button.
5. Add the billing details and click on the Continue To Payment button.

6. Now, choose the mode of payment from the given options as shown below

7. Once you have completed the payment process our Branding will be removed from all the reports that you will generate.


Purchase order approval is a process where a purchase order (PO) is reviewed and approved by one or more designated individuals within a company before it is sent to the vendor. This helps to ensure that purchases are made in accordance with company policies and budgets, and that the goods or services ordered are necessary and authorized.

How to create Purchase Order in Munim?

To create Purchase Order in Munim, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Log in to your company account in Munim.
Step 2: From the left side panel, click on the Purchase Order option under the Purchase menu as shown below:

Step 3: Now, you will be on the Purchase Order listing page and from here, click on “Create Purchase Order” button at the top right corner of the page as shown below:

Step 4: Create Purchase Order by adding all the required details and click on Save button as shown below:

Step 5: After hitting the Save button you will be redirected to the Purchase Order listing page.
Step 6: On this page you can see the list of Purchase Orders that you have created and along with each list you can see respective action menu in which you need to click on the Approved option.

Step 7: After clicking on the approved button, you will get a popup. Click on the Approve button from the popup.

Now you have successfully completed the purchase order approval process. Now you can directly create the purchase bill by clicking on the Create Bill option. All details will be fetched from the purchase order, so you have to just hit the Save button to complete the purchase bill.


You can set desired entry date for all the past transaction modules using the date picker provided by Munim. This feature helps you to save time as every now and then you don’t need to change the date for entries in each module. Once you change the date, it will be reflected in all the transaction modules.

Steps to change entry date in Munim:

Step 1: Login to your company account in Munim.
Step 2: Once you are on the dashboard click on F2 key from the keyboard (in windows directly click F2 & in iOS click Fn+F2).

Now you can choose the desired date and click Save button. Now you can create any transaction entry using the date that you have selected.