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Released in April-2024

< 1 min read

Direct Printing and Download Invoice Print

In our software, we have enhanced 2 new options like ” Print Invoice” and “Download Invoice”. If the printer is connected to your computer, the user directly prints the invoice. To know more about this feature click on the link.

Sales Return with Discount

We are happy to disclose there we are adding more flexibility like ” Discount” add-in credit note. Now the user can add discount value to credit notes. Discount helps to adjust the credit note total Amount. For additional details about the feature, go to this link.

Barcoding System

We have released our most awaited feature “Barcoding System”. Barcode functionality with accounting software revolutionizes inventory management and transaction processes. By generating and scanning barcodes, businesses effortlessly identify products, update inventory levels, and expedite transactions. To learn more about this feature, go to this link.