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Reserves & Surplus

1 min read

In the ledger module, you can add your Reserves & Surplus ledger to Munim. After doing this, you will be able to manage your Reserves & Surplus account.
Reserves and surplus are all the cumulative amounts of retained earnings recorded as a part of the Shareholder’s Equity.

The company earmarks them for specific purposes like buying fixed assets, payment for legal settlements, debt repayments, payment of dividends, etc.

Create Reserves & Surplus Ledger:

  • Go to the Account module in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Create Account button or press the Alt+N key.
  • Select Reserves & Surplus ledger on the Under group ledger drop-down list.

Field Information for Reserves & Surplus ledger:

Under groupHere select the Reserves & Surplus account. 
Account nameHere write your account name.Mandatory field
Short nameHere write your account short name. 
EmailHere write your account email id. 
Mobile noHere write your account mobile no. 
Tax registration detailsHere write your PAN/IT no. 
Opening BalanceHere put your account opening balance. 
Is Active?Here if you select “Yes” then this account is shown in all modules and if you select “No” then this account is not shown in all modules.


Alt+SSave- This shortcut is used to save the ledger details.
Alt+CCancel- This shortcut is used to cancel the ledger details.
Alt+DDiscard- This shortcut is used to discard the ledger details.