Purchase order with zero rate

Now users can create Purchase Orders (PO) with a zero rate. This enhancement offers flexibility in managing your purchase orders and streamlines the procurement process.

Benefits of Creating PO with Zero Rate

  1. Flexibility in Order Management: This feature allows you to issue purchase orders without specifying the item rates initially, which can be useful in various scenarios such as obtaining quotes, managing consignment stock, or handling special agreements with suppliers.
  2. Streamlined Procurement Process: By allowing zero-rate POs, you can expedite the purchase order creation process, especially when the item rates are yet to be finalized.
  3. Improved Record-Keeping: This feature ensures that all necessary items are included in the purchase order, even if the rates are to be determined later, maintaining comprehensive records of all transactions.

    If you have any questions or need assistance with this new feature, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.